a. About Us

We help provide the best solutions for seeds, start ups and established businesses from anywhere in the world.


We ensure to deliver the best outlook for your business.


We create customized mobile, web and desktop application solutions to suit your business needs

Web Design.

We design unique,clean cut, modern websites that perfectly projects your business online.

IT Consultancy.

We aim to guide our customers in the best direction that will benefit the needs of your business

b. Our Team

We're a creative team that works together with your business to find the best solution suited for you


Let's get to know your business

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How we can improve your business processes

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Solution suited for you and your customers

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Lines of Code


Mobile apps

c. Productivity and Growth

Finding a solution that can contribute to revenue opportunities and becoming more efficient while cutting cost is always a must.

Web Development

In these modern times,it is essential that your clients are able to understand clearly the products and services you offer with an appealing and professional outlook online.

Software Development

We create and design application solutions using the latest frameworks in software development to bring you the best products for your mobile, web and desktop platform.

Maintenance & Training

We help set up and provide thorough training to our clients during and after their customized application has been deployed.

IT Consultancy.

We help to guide our clients in the best direction and give them a thorough analysis of the possible risks and gains depending on the decision they make.

Reporting & Data Cleaning

Through our application development, we will be able to gather and provide the right information a business needs in order to make their informed decision.


We help to ensure that your business' products and services information is effectively informative, but also, straight to the point on your website.

Systems Analysis & Design

We thoroughly analyze the processes within an organization and work to improve processes to minimize downtime.

UX Design

We design interactive user-friendly interfaces for mobile, web and tablet or any device to ensure clients are able to use our application with ease.

Database Design

Some processes are duplicated when it can be channelled through one system.Therefore, we focus on designing a database that will suit the business needs and procedures.

d. We Got You

Steering you in the best direction by..

Make it Viable For Your Market
There is always room for improvement
Discover New Opportunties
Move Forward and grow steadily
Tailor-made Especially For You
Analyzing and presenting the right data

e. Inspire. Create . Deliver

We take pride in delivering only the best and setting the right expectations for our clients

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Mobile Design

User-Friendly Mobile Experience

developer: Afflatus Team

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Web Design

Get A Website That Will Complement Your Business

developer: Afflatus Team

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Ordering / Request System

Make Your Next Order From Wherever You Are

developer: Afflatus Team

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F.I Mobile App

A Transaction Based and Customer Oriented Platform

developer: Afflatus Team

f. Taking you on our journey

Learn all about the world of tech and what's happening at Afflatus Software

author: Afflatus Team. 25.3.2023
UWI Fun Run Walkathon 2023
author: Afflatus Team. 25.8.2025
What is FinTech ?
author: Afflatus Team. 1.9.2025
Digital Transformation : Where to start?
author: Afflatus Team. 15.10.2025
Technology and Business Can Mix

1. drop a line


2. call us


3. find us

PO Box No. 7131
St. Anns
Port of Spain
Trinidad and Tobago, W.I
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